Top 8 Wooden Balance Board Exercises
Top 8 Wooden Balance Board Exercises
Give your core strength, balance, and posture a boost with our Wooden Balance Board Exercises.
Level: Beginner / Equipment: Wooden Balance Board / Focus: Full Body / Strength / Balance
1. Plank
1: Place the wooden balance board on a stable surface and get down on all fours with your forearms on the board.
2: Ensure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders.
3: Straighten your legs out behind you and balance on your toes, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.
4: Brace your core muscles, squeeze your glutes, and lift your body up into an elbow plank position.
5: Keep your spine in a neutral position, avoid arching your back, and keep your hips level.
6: Hold this position for as long as you can, aiming for at least 30 seconds, then up the ante to a minute as you progress.
2. Glute Bridge
1: Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet placed firmly on a balance board.
2: Engage your glutes and core muscles and lift your hips up off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.
3: Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your hips back down to the ground.
4: Repeat the movement for several reps, focusing on maintaining your balance on the board as you lift and lower your hips.
3. Lunge
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and step onto it with one foot. Stretch your other leg out behind you, keeping the ball of your foot on the floor.
2: As you maintain your balance on the board, lower your body into a lunge position. Your front knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle, while your back knee should be hovering just above the ground.
3: As you lower your body, make sure to maintain your balance on the board by engaging your core and keeping your weight centred over the middle.
4: Hold the lunge position for a few seconds, and then push yourself back up to the starting position.
5: Repeat the exercise for several reps, then switch legs and repeat for an equal number of reps.
4. Incline Push Ups
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and assume a plank position with your hands on the board and your feet on the ground.
2: Your hands should be shoulder width apart and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
3: Lower your chest towards the board, bending your elbows and keeping your body straight.
4: Push yourself back up to the starting position, extending your elbows and keeping your body straight.
5: Repeat for the desired number of reps.
5. Tricep Dips
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and sit just in front of it, with your hands holding the board and your fingers pointing forward.
2: Slowly raise your buttocks off the ground, extending your elbows and keeping your body straight.
2: Lower your body back to the starting position by bending your elbows, keeping your back close to the board.
4: Repeat for the desired number of reps.
6. Straight Arm Roll
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and assume a plank position with your hands on the board and your feet on the ground.
2: Keep your arms straight and your core engaged as you slowly begin to roll the board side to side, maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels.
3: Repeat the exercise for several reps, maintaining control and balance throughout the movement.
7. Side to Side
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and step onto it with both feet, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed.
2: Shift your weight to one side of the board, lifting the opposite edge off the ground and bringing it towards your other foot.
3: Without letting the board touch the ground, shift your weight to the other side of the board, lifting the opposite edge off the ground and bringing it towards your other foot.
4: Continue shifting your weight from side to side, maintaining a smooth and controlled motion.
8. Decline Push Up
1: Place the balance board on a flat surface and assume a plank position with your feet on the board and your hands on the ground in a push up position.
2: Ensure that your hands are shoulder-width apart and your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.
3: Raise your hips slightly, so your body forms a downward slope towards your hands.
4: Lower your chest towards the ground, bending your elbows and keeping your body straight.
5: Push yourself back up to the starting position, extending your elbows and keeping your body straight.
6: Repeat for the desired number of reps.